International Partnerships

Thanks to the generosity of the LifeSpring congregation, we are able to support these global missionaries:

Bob and Amy Carter
(South and Southeast Asia & Jerusalem)

Focus: Bible Translation & Training of Translators in Hebrew Language & Culture

Bob works with translation teams and consultants. As the Director of the Jerusalem Center for Bible Translation (JCBT) he oversees the Center, where Bible translators from many cultures and countries come to study and learn.

Both Bob and Amy are using their expertise so that the least-reached peoples will have God’s Word in their own languages. LifeSpring and the Carters have been partners since the mid 1980s.

They are affiliated with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Seed Company, and Jerusalem Center for Bible Translators.

Daniel and Noelia Irwin
(Granada, Spain)

Focus: Establishing a sustainable disciple making movement

With a passion and calling to reach people with the Gospel of Christ, Daniel and Noelia Irwin serve with Team Expansion in Granada, Spain. LifeSpring began supporting the Irwins in late 2020. While Daniel spent a portion of his growing-up years in Spain, Noelia is a native. Reaching the people of Spain for Jesus and engaging in disciple-making are natural ministry objectives because of the Irwins’ background.

Daniel & Noelia utilize social media posts to catch the attention of Spaniards who are (consciously or unconsciously) wrestling with spiritual questions. People who show interest are connected with Believers who can meet with them in-person. The posts are targeted towards cities across Spain where Christians are available to engage these seekers in Discovery Bible Studies, which with the leading of God’s Spirit can take them into disciple-making groups and eventually church plants.

In addition to social posts, the Granada team engages in regular prayer walks through the villages in the region and strive to meet and pray for people who are open to exploring their questions of faith through continued discussion, with the intent to come to know Jesus Christ.

The Weber Family
(Auckland, New Zealand)

Focus: Discipleship and Mentoring in Post-Christian Culture

The Weber Family was called to serve in New Zealand beginning in 2023. New Zealand is a post Christian culture with a very small community of Bible-believing Christians and mature Christian leaders are needed to train and mentor Christ’s disciples. Their past experience in the mission field, training, counseling and church planting equips them well to do effective Kingdom work in the Auckland, NZ area.

Bill and Verna are missionaries sent by New International and are focused on mentoring and discipleship training (Bill & Verna Weber – New International). Donovan is on staff at Shore Community Christian Church. Jocelyn is a Lecturer of Counselling at Laidlaw College, the largest theological college in New Zealand.

LifeSpring supports the Weber family through prayer and encouragement. They’re very open to hosting visitors from LifeSpring!

International Friendships, Inc.

Focus: To extend life-changing hospitality and friendship to international students out of reverence for Jesus

IFI Cincy is a community organization that works in partnership with universities and Christian volunteers to promote friendship and hospitality for international students, scholars, and their families. They seek to help international students and scholars meet practical needs and develop relationships around social, cultural, and spiritual interests. IFI Cincy partners with local churches and other non-profit organizations to provide custom opportunities for local groups to engage in international student ministry.

LifeSpring has had members involved with IFI Cincy since its establishment in 2004. They work with international students studying at the University of Cincinnati in a variety of ways, including being Conversation Partners, hosting dinners and leading Bible studies. With Lifespring’s support, IFI Cincy desires to see God’s love extended globally in partnership with spiritually vibrant international students.

Lakeview Life Centre
(Chennai, India)

Focus: Training Christian leaders who will transform their communities to reflect the values of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom

Lakeview Life Centre (previously Lakeview Bible College & Seminary) provides men and women with a life-transforming education that equips them to effectively impact their communities for Christ. In addition to acquiring a deep spiritual foundation based on Biblical truth and committed discipleship, Lakeview’s residential students obtain direct hands-on experience ministering to local and cross-cultural communities through weekend ministries and summer internships. Their time at Lakeview prepares them well to share Christ’s love and offer of salvation in their workplace and local communities.

Lakeview also offers dual-degree programs in partnership with the University of Madras, online certificate and diploma programs, and training seminars and conferences for Christians working in the marketplace.

Missions of Hope International
(Mathare Valley, Nairobi, Kenya, & Molo Milimani, Kenya)

Focus: To transform lives through the hope of Christ

MOHI was founded in 2000 by Wallace & Mary Kamau to bring the hope of Christ to 3 million people living in extreme poverty. They use a holistic strategy to educate, empower, restore, and redeem. Their goal is to establish 100 schools, plant 100 churches and educate 100,000 students.

LifeSpring partners with two communities through MOHI: Kosovo in the Mathare Valley slum of Nairobi, Kenya and Molo Milimani which is a farming community in the Great Rift Valley region. LifeSpring families are currently sponsoring over 200 MOHI children at MOHI schools throughout Kenya.

Tavriski Christian Institute
(Kherson, Ukraine, Country of Georgia, & several countries in Central Asia)

Focus: Church Leadership & Missionary Training

In 1994 LifeSpring sent a missionary family to forge a partnership with two Ukrainian churches after the collapse of communism. Because of rapid church growth, TCI was launched in 1997 to train pastors, church planters, and church leaders in Eastern Europe. TCI now also has extensions in schools in Central Asia.

Through the years, many LifeSpring members have traveled to Kherson and TCI, and our church remains a critical partner. Since 2022 TCI’s efforts have included humanitarian relief for those displaced by war.

International Conference on Missions (ICOM)

A conference of the Christian Church/Churches of Christ, ICOM exists to encourage, equip and enlist workers for the harvest.

Making Disciples


We pray for our global partners and for those who will become believers through them. As Jesus taught us, “…your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matt 6:10)

If you sign-up to lift up our partners in prayer, you will get updates by email every few months of their current prayer needs. If a partner has an urgent prayer need for a particular situation, you will receive notice of that as well. You may print out emails you receive and keep it by your Bible so that you will remember to pray for them regularly.

Please do not post any information you receive about our partners on social media or forward the prayer emails to anyone without permission. The nature of their work may be very sensitive, and persecution is very real in their parts of the world. Knowing specific needs can help us pray effectively but can put the work of God at risk if gets into the wrong hand.

The church is to pray that God will:

  • Send out workers into the harvest – Matt 9:38
  • Open a door for His message – Col 4:3
  • Give them words to tell about God without fear – Ephesians 6:19
  • Spread His message rapidly and that it would be honored – 2Thess 3:1
  • Protect believers by the power of His name so that they may be one – John 17:11

Our partners working internationally need strong prayer support for:

  • Wisdom regarding where to focus their time and energy,
  • God to bring into their lives people who are open to hearing about God,
  • Protection in their struggle against the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil. (Eph 6:12)

Go out into all the world and make disciples of all nations.

— Matthew 28:18