No More Perfect Marriages Retreat

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Marriage Retreat led by Mark & Jill Savage.

Ready for a weekend just for the two of you? The No More Perfect Marriages Retreat is exactly what you need! Whether you’re in a good place in your marriage and you want to keep it that way or you feel like your relationship is hanging by a thread, the No More Perfect Marriages retreat will help you move the needle in your marriage. The Savages are self-described as being married “40 years, 30 of them happily.” They’re honest about both the good stuff and the hard stuff of marriage.

We are offering this retreat at only $50/couple.  Friday, February 23rd 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., and Saturday, February 24th 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. A light breakfast will be available on Saturday at 8:15am.  Lunch is also included during our session on Saturday.  Feel free to invite friends and neighbors!

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